EVENTS: Richmond Moon Market Mushroom Mania
Sorry for the silence and sporadic posting again. I was on vacation. with my little family for a week. Now I'm prepping for an upcoming local event, Richmond Moon Market's 2nd Annual Mushroom Mania. I'm vending for my new business This Bohemian Home. I'm also demoing a felt mushroom sewing project for my other business RVA Craft Clique (local craft classes that I've been teaching for over 2 years). I haven't vended in several years, but I spent most of my youth working for my parents, selling calligraphy at countless craft shows. Teaching crafts is always fun, but this time I'll have craft kits! I know! If you're in the Richmond, VA (RVA) area, come see me and a bunch of other makers, watch a film, and learn about mushrooms, on April 20th at Champion Brewing Company (in an old bank).
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