HALLOWEEN DIY: Eye See You Candy Tray

This candy tray is inspired by eyeballs, featuring lots of eye candy and a clear tray from Oriental Trading; and paint from DecoArt. Oriental Trading has a plethora of Halloween Candy to select for your next party or for Trick-or-Treaters. I altered this tray with spray paint, hand painted sphere feet and a center foam pumpkin lollipop holder. It elevates a clear tray into something chic and spooky, pulling from the metallic and modern boho trends.

Oriental Trading and DecoArt provided me with their products in exchange for this tutorial. All photos, instructions, and opinions are my own. Some of these links are Amazon Affiliate links. Any purchases made using those links will result in Amazon paying me a small commision. This does not affect your purchase total.


1) Lay down a plastic tablecloth on an outdoor work space. Spray the tray with Valspar plastic primer, letting one side dry before painting the other side. Using Krylon Metallic Gold, paint the tray top. The candies are wrapped and will not come in contact with the paint. Let dry. Flip over the tray and spray the back with any black spray paint. If you want, use a clear shiny spray sealer to make the paint last longer.

2) Using E-600, glue the paper mache spheres onto the tray bottom. I only used 3, because that stabilized the tray in a tripod formation. Leave the tray upside down overnight while the glue cures.

3) Use a paper plate as a paint palette. Paint the spheres Fawn with a flat brush, getting up close to the glue edge. Let dry. Go over the Fawn with Metallic Champagne. Let dry. Go over that layer with Champagne Glamour Dust.

With a smaller brush and Raw Sienna, paint outward facing circles for the irises. Let dry. Go over the Raw Sienna irises with Copper Metallic. Let dry. Go over that layer with Copper Glamour Dust.

With a small brush and Lamp Black, paint smaller circles for pupils. Let dry. Go over the black with Black Pearl Metallic. 

4) With a flat brush, paint the foam pumpkin Milk Chocolate. Mine took two coats for full coverage. Let dry between coats. Paint 1-2 coats of Copper Dazzling Metallic paint. With a small brush, paint the stem Jet Black. Let dry. Finish the stem with Black Pearl metallic paint. To better secure the pumpkin to the center tray, use poster tack or something similar.

5) When it comes time to use the tray, open the container of lollipops. Using a sharp object, poke even holes in the foam pumpkin. I arranged my holes and lollipops to face forward in a tiered design. Insert the lollipops into the holes, gently pushing to secure them upright.

6) Open the candy bags. Arrange the candies by type and color, for an interesting display. I used eyeball themed candy, but Oriental Trading has a huge Halloween Candy selection.

7) Set the candy tray out on a table or porch. If leaving on a porch, consider leaving a note about possible allergens, as listed on the candy package. Also consider leaving a teal pail full of non-food treats like bracelets, stickers, little toys, playdough...etc. Oriental Trading has a lot of little party favor items to chose from.

This painted tray is suitable for wrapped foods, like these individual Halloween candies. The color scheme and candy selection is customizable to your tastes. We don't get many trick or treaters, so I'll likely split this candy between my daughter and my monthly crafting group, who will all appreciate the tray and the eyeball theme. Whatever you're doing this Halloween, have fun with it. Happy Makery and Halloween!
