HOME DECOR DIY: OlyFun Jumbo Tassels

I made some OlyFun Jumbo Tassels on Fairfield World, which I'll eventually string for a mantle garland. My house needs some redecorating, so I'm working on some festive home decor items. I have garlands stuck in my head lately, so expect a few of those in different easy to make variations. These jumbo tassels are the durable answer to the ubiquitous tissue paper tassels. These tassels are just as easy to make, but last for many uses. OlyFun comes in 18 regular colors and 4 metallics. I've been trying to incorporate the awesome metallics into as many new projects as possible. Metallics are classic and whoever doesn't like shiney things probably doesn't need to hang out here. 

You may have noticed a dip in new tutorials and content here...BUT, if you follow me on Instagram, you'll see I make and post something pretty much every day. I've been snowed in for 5 days now...and my perk left after day one...or two. I have an outdoor project I wanted to do this month. Thanks to freezing temperatures and snow that's not melting fast enough, I'll have to wait a little longer. (insert frowny face emoji) Can we get back to the false winter weather already? 60 degree sunny days anyone? I have Valentines and Spring on the brain, which is actually why I sat down at my desk to use my computer...vs scrolling the internet...ahem Facebook and Pinterest...on my phone and tablet. I needed a little break from what seems like endless amounts of X-Files, Supernatural, and Murdoch Mysteries...which I finished the last one. Anywho, off to do my task I came here for...and you should head to Fairfield World to make OlyFun Jumbo Tassels, because this momma told you to. 

I don't know if I really to reiterate, that I work for Fairfield World as a Master Maker. They supplied the OlyFun for this project and paid me to create a tutorial. I design all the wacky projects. The one I sat down to work on involves anatomical art...which if you're here from Skull-A-Day, you'll appreciate something a little morbid. I know, the bright colors are a little much for even me sometimes.


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