HOME DIY: Wood Pallet Jewelry & Hair Accessory Organizer

April 22 is Earth Day and we are celebrating with a very special blog hop. Kunin Felt and Walnut Hollow, two “Made in the USA” companies committed to eco-friendly practices and quality products partner to bring you indoor, outdoor home decor projects. It all began with Stephen Seymour Kunin in the 1960’s, “the Father of Craft Felts”. Now The Kunin Group, located in NH manufactures adhesive-backed, die-cut, embossed, and stiffened fabrics in several color and style options using their Eco-fi fiber. Kunin turns trash into treasure using 100% post-consumer recycled plastic bottles. Over six hundred million bottles end up in landfills each year, so far this year Kunin has recycled over 350,000, 000 and counting. This adds the value of environmental stewardship to the fun of making crafts.

Walnut Hollow® began as a small family-owned business in Dodgeville, WI in the 70’s. Walnut Hollow is committed to protecting the environment and replenishing natural resources. The company’s owners and employees have been since the beginning strongly committed to preserving natural resources through its raw materials consumption practices, production processes, recycling activities, and community involvement. The Ladd's (owners and founders of Walnut Hollow) have planted more than 300,000 trees and shrubs on personal property in the surrounding area. Whenever possible, raw material is harvested from plantation and managed woodlands for the manufacture of their home décor items and wood surfaces. Through their manufacturing process no wood waste ends up in landfills, all is recycled. Walnut Hollow’s emphasis has always been to bring the best possible quality products to art and craft hobbyists.

Today I am sharing how to make a jewelry and hair accessory organizer using a Walnut Hollow Rustic Palette Tray, Kunin Felt, Rit Dye, and hardware. This organizer will easily hold various jewelry and hair accessories on it's strips, hooks, and loops. I designed it for my daughter's bathroom, but the items displayed on it, are mostly mine and handmade. For this project, you need to be comfortable using a hand drill and hammer. These are good skills for any crafter to have. After my tutorial, if you head to the bottom, you can see the other projects in this Earth Friendly Crafts Blog Hop and a giveaway!

  • Walnut Hollow Rustic Palette Tray
  • 1 Sheet each, Kunin Eco-Fi Rainbow Classic Felt in Aqua (teal), Brilliant Blue, and Royal Blue (navy)
  • Rit Dye in Aquamarine
  • 1 cup of water
  • 12 Black upholstery nails
  • 48 Cut tack nails
  • 20 Cup hooks
  • 2 Eye hook
  • 15" Long thick hemp cord
  • A wide soft paint brush
  • A small plastic container - I used an old bowl
  • Plastic tablecloth - I used one from Dollar Tree
  • A hammer
  • Scissors
  • A drill with a 3/32" bit - I use a Dremel cordless rotary drill

1) We'll start outside. I worked on my balcony. Lay the plastic tablecloth down. Put the wood Rustic Palette Tray down onto the tablecloth.

2) In the plastic bowl, add a cup of water and a cap full of Aquamarine RIT dye. Stir the water & dye mixture with the paint brush, until it's blended.

3) Paint the dye mixture onto the wood, making sure the color is even. If you have trouble getting in between the slats, you can use a smaller brush. Let the wood dry. Repeat again, if you want a deeper color. The color will become richer when it's dry. After it's completely dry, bring it inside.

4) Lengthwise, cut two 1" strips from each piece of felt, for a total of six strips.

5) Lay the strips across the small part of the tray, on the thick wood pieces. Space the strips out evenly.

6) Along the top, hammer one upholstery nail into each strip. Use a small piece of felt to protect the nails, so the finish doesn't come off while nailing.

7) Pull each strip tightly across to the other thick wood piece. Hammer one upholstery nail into each strip to secure it tightly.

8) Use scissors to cut off the excess felt, flush with the wood.

9) Use the ruler to evenly measure 9 dots 1" apart, centered along the underside of the center thick wood piece. The side dots are about 1.5"-2" from the side. Along the center of the bottom, measure out 11 dots. These are for to place the cup hooks later.

10) Drill about 1/4" through each dot. These are just pilot holes for the screws of the cup hooks.

11) Screw the cup hooks into the pilot holes.

12) Cut two 7" x 11" strips of felt from each color. Cut 4 Royal Blue, 4 Brilliant Blue, and 2 Aqua 3" x 1" strips of felt. Divide them into two stacks.

13) Fold the strips in half, to make loops. Center the loops along the sides. Hammer 3 tack nails at the top of each loop, to secure them. Space the loops out 1/2" apart. The big loops are to hold wide headbands and fascinators. The little loops are for necklaces, thin headbands, and barrettes.

TIP: If the side feel a little unstable from all the hammering, add some wood glue to the joints. The sides of the tray came unhammered, because it has thin nails and probably isn't meant for lots of banging on...ie: hammering. I might add glue later. I hammered the sides back in place. You could also use larger nails to secure the sides better for this utilitarian use.

14) To hang it, I drilled two pilot holes, evenly spaced. I screwed in the two eye hooks. I tied a piece of thick hemp cord, adding glue to the 2nd knot, through the eye hooks. After the glue dried, I hammered two long nails into my daughter's bathroom wall and hung the organizer.

That's all for this tutorial! Both RIT Dye and Kunin Eco-Fi Classic Felt come in a rainbow of colors. I chose my color palette to coordinate with the sea theme of my daughter's bathroom. We store our earrings in drawer containers, but you could add a metal mesh section to hang earrings. I hope this tutorial will help you with your accessory organizing. My daughter has already filled it with her own things.

Find out more about Kunin Group here:
And find out more about Walnut Hollow here:

Our teams are sharing projects that pair both Kunin Group felt and Walnut Hollow wood products to create practical and beautiful home decor, organizing solutions, and entertaining items. You can make these projects all year long, not just for Earth Day. To see more inspiring projects, continue on the hop using the list below:

Walnut Hollow

Kunin Group Felt

Sue Eldred

Beth Watson

Debra Quartermain

Sabrina Alery


Jennifer Priest GO HERE NEXT

Marilyn Gossett

Laura Kelly

Steph Ackerman

Laura Bray


And to sweeten the Made In the USA, eco-friendly fun, we're having a giveaway! We're sending an assortment of Walnut Hollow wood products to one lucky crafter. Use the widget below to enter to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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