Food Crochet

This is going to be a very short post as I am headed out the door soon.

I took up crocheting about a year and a half ago to learn how to make some pretty gifts for people that were different than my normal sewn or jewelry ones. One of the 1st things I saw that made me want to focus on learning the craft was a series of artist who make food inspired crochet items. The most notable one being Twinkie Chan who makes a variety of crochet food items, but more notably amazing scarfs. She also has a Blog where you can learn more about the lady behind the art.

Her scarfs are fairly pricey but totally worth the money. I didn't understand the pricing until I started making scarfs (not food ones, but still very detailed) and purses. Most projects take a large amount of hours to complete. My monster scarfs (which were really a result of making too many chains and misjudging the final length) are VERY LONG and therefor take a VERY LONG time to complete. However, should I ever sell one, the cost of the scarf would be worth it because you are definitely going to be warm in it. They are so long, you have to wrap it around your neck a few times to prevent the ends from dragging the ground or at least getting in your way. My ruffle one looks like a ruff from the Elizabethan era. It's made with neon green (Carrion - Limelight) acrylic yarn, so it's not exactly a ruff. That does inspire me to make a cream or white Ruffle Monster Scarf.

Recently, I came across this site for a fiber artist Kate Jenkins while looking at a local site. This artist is based out of England and her artwork is amazing. She makes knitted items that are more basic. It's her crochet items that caught my eye. Again, most of them are food related, like her most recent show Kate's Cafe that was held at an art gallery. Her food related items were displayed while actual tea and treats were served to patrons. She also has an insect inspired collection, Cardigan in Bloom which features butterflies, grasshoppers, beetles, spiders and various other insects beautifully done with crochet, sequins and beads. It reminds me of Victorian oddities and entomology displays, which are both things I love.

Seeing the insect art as well as this amazing Flower Scarf inspire me to take my crochet works beyond the level I am at now (which is still pretty impressive. I have a basic black thread crochet scarf that I am making using double crochet and chain stitches. I do plan on adding some flowers to it also in black with some sequin and bead crochet details. After seeing this, it does fuel my creative brainstorm into adding similar details to some circle handbags that I've been making. Again, I'm looking to take my crochet artwork to a different level than it's currently at. Speaking of, I need to photograph what work I do have (as most of it has been given as gifts) and post it here.

I would implore you to explore both sites I mentioned in this blog. Even if you are not a crochet artist, all artwork can inspire you to expand your own techniques for what ever craft you currently do or like me, inspire me to take on a new craft.



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